Design Interview with Joyce O’Riley

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Joyce O’Riley, a branding and graphic designer from New Zealand, is the founder of Wonder Studio. In this brief interview, I asked her about her journey to becoming a graphic designer, how she balances her career with motherhood, and what qualities she believes are essential for a designer’s success.

Hello Joyce, Can you please tell us a bit about your background and how you began your journey as a graphic designer?

Hey Tereza, my love for graphic design began when I was six, making birthday cards for my family with glitter pens. That led to Photoshop in high school, and eventually, I studied for a Bachelor’s with Honours at Massey University in New Zealand, with a short stint at the University of Westminster in London.

Over the past six years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some award-winning agencies and studios in NZ, where I honed my skills and developed a deep understanding of brand and graphic design. In August 2023, I founded Wonder Studio, a space dedicated to empowering busy mumpreneurs with easy, beautiful design solutions, allowing them to focus on what truly matters — their family and vision.

What inspired you to specialize in branding, logo, print, and web design?

Right after university, I joined a small boutique studio that focused on branding. Being part of a close-knit team, I got the chance to really dive into brand development and take charge of projects, even though I was just starting out. This hands-on experience really boosted my growth and made me passionate about creating high-quality, premium brands and packaging.

How do you manage the balance between your career as a graphic designer and your responsibilities as a mom?

It’s definitely a juggling act, and something I’m still learning to master. It’s so easy to fall into the mum-guilt trap, especially when work demands overtime and I’m not as present for my child. I’ve had to learn the importance of intentional rest, which was really challenging for me. In our household, we’ve set a rule to leave our phones outside the bedroom before bed. This helps me avoid the habit of waking up at 6am and scrolling through business ideas. It’s a small change, but it’s made a big difference in creating a better balance.

Chat with designer Joyce O'Riley

Where do you find inspiration for your work, and how do you incorporate it into your designs?

It comes from Instagram, Pinterest, BP&O, Best Awards, Behance, Awwwards, Unsplash and Kaboom Pics (a recent free stock photography website that I love).

What does your typical workday look like for you?

A typical workday looks like going through my To-Do list on Notion in the morning followed by answering any emails, client work and finishing with internal tasks like preparing any social media posts or blogs.

What do you think is the most important quality for a successful graphic designer to have?

Confidence — absolutely. I’ve learnt it doesn’t matter how good you are at your craft, if you don’t have the confidence to communicate it to people.

How do you stay motivated and focused, especially during tough times?

That’s how much I really love what I do! I can keep going with it!

What are your favorite design trends or styles right now?

I love the utilitarian san-serif style, and the combo of serif and script!

If you weren't a designer what would you be doing?

A teacher — besides creating birthday cards with glitter pens at six, I used to play pretend with a class of imaginary kids my age. Before you start thinking, ‘What a weird gal!’, for context, my mum and grandparents were teachers.

What advice would you give to new designers looking to attract their dream clients?

Spend time really getting to know your target audience, even if it starts looking like back and forth conversation with ChatGPT. What are their pain points?

To learn more about Joyce and her work, visit her website or follow her on Instagram.

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